Ultra Lite Brakes is located in
beautiful Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania at the
base of the Laurel Highlands, Ultra Lite
Brakes was founded 30 years ago by Jerry
Martino. With a strong desire to build the
Lightest Brakes in the World, Jerry began
testing on his own race chassis. Nose to the
grindstone efforts have paid off and the
results can now benefit all.
Made right here in our US
factory, still under the guiding hands of the
original owner, ULBrakes strives to hold the
title as the Lightest, Safest and Strongest
Brakes available to the racing community. Our
passion to build far exceeds our marketing
ability, keeping us a well kept secret.
We’ll, the Eagle has Landed my
friends… and it is my goal to get the word
out! My name is Chris Boucher and my position
at ULBrakes is to help you realize just how
special our products are. This year we have
partnered with some of the greatest names in
the race industry.
Look for us at an upcoming
major events but don’t be surprised if we show
up at a nightly show at your local speedway.
Please share your Bios with us
and let us know how Ultra Lite Brakes has
joined you in the winner circle!
Ultra Lite Brakes
1378 Old State Rt 119
Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania 15666 |